WD Drainage was proud to be featured at the UK's Cereals Event in June 2021.
Mastenbroek, who manufactured our trencher, referenced one of our projects in their presentation, which was also made into a short video which features below.
As a part of the presentation, Fred Clarke of Mastenbroek said: "The use of drainage water feeding a centre pivot irrigation system by WD Drainage is one of the most innovative projects I've seen in a long while. By using the Trimble® software installed on our 20/15 trencher, WD Drainage has been able to design and install a drainage system to retain water for irrigation, saving their client money and helping the environment at the same time. For me, it is a project that should inspire lots of other people as it shows how we can improve agricultural land and ensure that the precious water that is drained from the field can be stored for future use."
Mastenbroek's Video featuring Agricultural Drainage Contrator WD Drainage
Agricultural drainage works! The pipes from one of our jobs in September 2021 running beautifully during their first rain.
Same job, different angle
More water, but the system is handling it!
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